Ways To Give

Give Online

This safe & flexible option is the easiest way to give at The River Church! 
This method allows you to charge to either your debit card, credit card, or your bank account. 

Text to Give

Simply text "River" to 73256  on your mobile device. The first time you use this feature, you will have to set up your account and enter payment information.

Give In Person

If you visit the Information Center as you walk into the foyer, you will see giving envelopes that you are able to put your gift into. Please drop your gift in the offering basket during our time of worship through giving or feel free to drop in the black lock box hanging on the foyer wall by the giving station as you pass. 

Mail A Check

Please address your check to the appropriate fund and mail to:
The River Church
P.O. 1360
Albany, LA 70711


These first two forms of giving carry out all of the daily operations here at The River.
These daily operations include such things as utilities, supplies,
ministry staff & administration.


We are asking you to make room for the supernatural. God has the church set up for an unbelievable harvest & we are going to be ready, but we have to create capacity. The BUILD MY RIVER PROJECT is going to help us with just that. It's going to be sacrificial, but beneficial. Each pledge will be appreciated & also prayed over weekly by our Pastoral staff & prayer team.


This form of giving funds local and global missions. Locally, this includes outreach to our communities via marketing, special community evangelistic projects & other venues that help us reach
our community. This helps special projects & monthly commitments to global & North American missionaries around the world.
You can check out our missions wall located in our Foyer or below on this page.