Psalm 80:18
Revive us and we will call upon your name
We understand there are many circumstances in life that can leave someone broken, hurting, & lost. Although our primary focus is on addiction, we are here for
ALL of those who need to find healing for their soul. If you're struggling with any hurt, habit, or hang up, we invite you to come be with us. Whatever the problem, JESUS is the answer.
ALL of those who need to find healing for their soul. If you're struggling with any hurt, habit, or hang up, we invite you to come be with us. Whatever the problem, JESUS is the answer.
Our mission is faith based & God oriented. We offer hope & promise to those who find themselves in the bonds of addiction.
We will offer a hand of fellowship to the cast down, the disheartened, & the lonely.
We will offer a hand of fellowship to the cast down, the disheartened, & the lonely.
We are committed to showing a lost community that there is a way back, a way out, & a way up. Here at The River Church, we have service every Thursday at 7pm. Food is served at 6:15pm,
& anyone is welcome! We encourage you to come & bring a friend. This is a safe place for all those who are hurting & broken.
& anyone is welcome! We encourage you to come & bring a friend. This is a safe place for all those who are hurting & broken.
Please join us for Chip Night every third Thursday of the month! Whether you've only been sober for a day, a week, a month, or years - YOU are worthy of recognition!
Come & let us celebrate with you all the strides you have made in leaving your addiction!
Come & let us celebrate with you all the strides you have made in leaving your addiction!